Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hard Crackers, Issue 1

Issue I of Hard Crackers is now available for purchase through AK Press. Founded by Noel Ignatiev of Race Traitor (and a fantastic editorial team of which I am lucky to be part), these "Chronicles of Everyday Life" aim to document the complexities of daily life in the present, with an emphasis on the liberatory potential (and risk of reaction) of day to day life. In the time of the Trump ascendancy, our wager is, to quote Noel's introduction: "The alliance between a real estate tycoon and people who live in shacks and trailer parks cannot endure."

Presently there isn't any content online, so you just may have to buy this slick little commodity. I contributed a new essay "Some Bullshit", dealing with an experience all too common to many New Yorkers. Other essays revolve around topics like hospice care, factory work, running track, growing up in Brooklyn, life on the margins of white society in Apartheid South Africa, and a nice primer on the basic race politics of the US Civil War. Anyone interested in contributing to future issues should contact me or Noel.