Monday, July 1, 2024

The Future Belongs to the Mad

To mark the release of George Miller's Furiosa, I have an essay on the history and enduring cultural significance of the Mad Max franchise. Read it now at Hard Crackers.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Three Way Fight Book Out Now

I am honored that a dialogue Zhana and I held with critic Tobi Haslett has appeared, alongside dozens of indispensable entries, in the anthology Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Anti-Fascism (PM Press, 2024). Pick up a copy here, and support Three Way Fight!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Horror of Police at Red May

Red May is here again! On Friday, May 24th, Zhana and I will be in dialogue with police scholar Travis Linnemann, discussing his books Meth Wars and The Horror of Police, at 4pm PDT.

You can watch our discussion, live or later, at this link.

Viva Red May!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Jail is Everywhere

I have a review of the new essay collection The Jail is Everywhere (Verso, 2024) in the Nation. Check it out here!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Loren Goldner Presente!

To mark the recent passing of the great theoretician and political mentor Loren Goldner, I appeared on the Antifada podcast along with some of Loren's longtime comrades and friends to reflect on his life and legacy. Click here to listen.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Berlin as a Community Space vs. Berlin as a Business

After the beloved Chicago queer nightclub Berlin closed late last year, I sat down with a lead organizer in the club workers' union, which was being unfairly blamed for Berlin's demise. 

Read our discussion now on Hard Crackers: Chronicles of Everyday Life, and say no to pink-washed union busting!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Eric Adams' New York

On the evening of Thursday, February 22nd I will be appearing on the plenary panel of NYC DSA's 2024 organizing conference, entitled "Eric Adams' New York." Register for the conference here for the location. Hope to see you there!

Monday, January 22, 2024

On the Cosmonaut Podcast

I had a great time speaking about Captives and related history with Isaac and Jack on the Cosmonaut podcast. Thanks to them for having me! Check it out here.

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Undertow

I have a review of Jeff Sharlet's The Undertow (Norton, 2023) up now at Three Way Fight. Check out the review here, and preorder the excellent Three Way Fight book here!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Tip of the Spear

I have a review of Orisanmi Burton's excellent new book Tip of the Spear (University of California Press, 2023) in the Los Angeles Review of Books. Check it out here.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Captives Reviewed in Journal of Urban History

The historian Aaron Bekemeyer has written an excellent review of Captives alongside Stuart Schrader's indispensable Badges without Borders (University of California Press, 2019), for the Journal of Urban History. It can be read here. Thanks to the author for his time and attention.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Stop Cop City on Under the Tree

Thanks to everyone who made the Stop Cop City benefit at Pilsen Community Books a big success! We raised roughly $2,500 for the RICO defendants. 

A recording of this memorable night, featuring me, Zhana, and a bunch of other great comrades, is now available on the podcast Under the Tree with Bill Ayers

It can be heard here.

Monday, November 6, 2023

George Floyd Uprising in Los Angeles Review of Books

The writer Jamie Peck has penned an excellent review of The George Floyd Uprising (PM Press, 2023), an edited anthology in which Zhana and I appear, for the Los Angeles Review of Books. Thanks to the author for her attention and generosity.

Check out the review here

This essential volume can be purchased here.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Stop Cop City

On Sunday, November 12th, I will join a stacked lineup of authors and activists to raise money the people facing RICO charges for their righteous fight against Cop City in Atlanta. This reading will be held at Pilsen Community Books in Chicago. 

For more information, or to register to attend this event online, click here.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Iowa Bluffs

I have a new essay reflecting on settler colonialism, financialization, and the enduring appeal of Trumpism, based on attending a Trump rally in the Mississippi River redevelopment haven of Dubuque, Iowa. Read it now in Hard Crackers: Chronicles of Everyday Life.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

A Brilliant Red Thread at Pilsen Community Books

On Wednesday, October 11th at 7pm, Zhana and I will be appearing at our favorite bookstore, Pilsen Community Books, to discuss Don Hamerquist's excellent new essay collection A Brilliant Red Thread. For more on this book, check out my recent review in the Los Angeles Review of Books.

We will screen a short video from Don and lead a discussion of the book and its many lessons. Hope to see you there!

This event will also be live-streamed by our comrades at the Michigan General Defense Committee, but advance registration is required. Please click here to register.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Midwest World History Association Conference

I am honored to be giving the keynote address at the annual conference of the Midwest World History Association, entitled "Outcasts, Pariahs, Criminals: Histories of Others and Othering," at Roosevelt University in Chicago on Friday, September 22nd. I will discuss the historical context of two recent works, Captives and States of Incarceration. 

I will also appear on a Saturday panel with my friends Abby Cunniff and Troy Brundidge, discussing our research in progress on the US prison and policing systems. For more information, check out the conference page here.


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Organizing Against Capitalism 2023

Zhana and I are thrilled to be appearing at the Organizing Against Capitalism conference in Ypsilanti, Michigan later this month. We will discuss our book States of Incarceration, and the present moment.

Check out all the information on the conference here. Thanks to the Michigan General Defense Committee for inviting us, and hope to see you there!

Friday, June 30, 2023

The George Floyd Uprising Reviewed in Inquest

The author David Campbell has penned an excellent review of PM Press's George Floyd Uprising book, featuring me and Zhana alongside some great essays on 2020. Check it out here, in the publication Inquest.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Treason to Whiteness Reviewed in Labour / Le Travail

The scholars Dylan Davis and Patrick King have penned an extraordinary review of Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity, the Noel Ignatiev reader I edited with Zhana and Geert, for the Spring issue of the journal Labour / Le Trevail. It is behind a paywall, but can be read here. Many thanks to the authors.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Interview in ArtSci

I was honored to be interviewed about States of Incarceration by the journalist Clair Naylor in ArtSci, the student publication of the college of Arts and Sciences at Governors State University. The issue is available here. Check it out!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

It's Going Down

It's going down. A full recording of Zhana and my talk in Portland earlier this month is featured on this week's episode of the IGDcast. Check out the episode here. And support IGD!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Captives Reviewed in Theoretical Criminology

The scholar Angélica Camacho has written an excellent review of Captives for the journal Theoretical Criminlogy. It is paywalled but can be read here. Many thanks to the author for such a thorough and generous review.

Friday, May 12, 2023

A Brilliant Red Thread

I have reviewed the indispensable collection of essays by Don Hamerquist, A Brilliant Red Thread (Kersplebedeb, 2023) for the Los Angeles Review of Books. Check out the review here. And be sure to pick up a copy of the book here.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Red May 2023

As part of our Pacific Northwest tour, Zhana and I had the honor of appearing at the opening event for Seattle's Red May 2023! We had a great time, met some cool people, and learned a lot. 

Video of this event is now available here courtesy of Red May. Be sure to check out all their other excellent programming here.

Thanks to Red May and all the comrades in the PNW for having us. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Coming to the Pacific Northwest

In early May, Zhana and I will be traveling through the Pacific Northwest to promote States of Incarceration. Details are as follows:

May 5th: University of Washington, Smith Hall, Room 204, Seattle, 4pm.

May 6th: Pipsqueak, 173 16th Avenue, Seattle, 4:30pm.

May 8th: Lamplighters, 211 4th Ave E, Olympia, 6pm. 

May 10: Alder Commons, 4241 NE Prescott St, Portland 6pm.

Thanks to Sean at Red May and Lucas from Chicago for setting this up.

Friday, April 14, 2023


I am proud to have spent the last four days on strike, along with hundreds of my UPI 4100 union siblings at Governors State University, fighting against austerity in higher education. We have joined two other striking Illinois State universities: Chicago State and Northeastern Illinois. For more information about this unique moment, follow our Twitter page.
4/18 update: After seven days out, we have reached a tentative agreement. It's a start. More importantly, this was one of the most substantive and rewarding political experiences of my life, and the lives of many co-workers... and our workplace will never be the same!

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Mass Incarceration on the Cheap

The publication Inquest has run an excerpt from my and Zhana's States of Incarceration. You can read it here.

Be sure to check out Inquest, and pick up a copy of States of Incarceration here.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Under the Mask of Philanthropy

For the April issue of the Brooklyn Rail's Field Notes section, I interviewed the activist-scholar Michael Barker about his work on the role of liberal philanthropic foundations in capitalist society. Check it out here

Thanks to Michael Barker and, as always, the excellent Brooklyn Rail!

Friday, March 17, 2023

Captives Wins New York City Book Award

I am very excited to announce that Captives has won a 2022-2023 New York City Book Award, alongside four other excellent titles. Read more here. Thanks to the New York Society Library for this honor.


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Treason to Whiteness Reviewed in the Brooklyn Rail

The scholar John Clegg has penned an in-depth review of Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity, the Noel Ignatiev reader I edited with Zhana and Geert, for the Brooklyn Rail

Check it out here, and never miss an issue of the Brooklyn Rail.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Responding to Police Violence

On Tuesday, March 7th at 8pm EST, I will discuss States of Incarceration and related work at an online event called "We Protect Us: Responding to Police Violence" hosted by the Abolition Working Group of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Advanced registration is required to attend. Click here to sign up!

Thursday, February 16, 2023

On the Majority Report

Earlier today, Zhana and I appeared on an episode of The Majority Report to discuss States of Incarceration. Check out the episode here.

Thanks to Emma and the rest of the MR crew for having us!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Captives Reviewed in Vital City

The career prison reformer Martha King has penned an in-depth review of Captives for the publication Vital City. It can be read here.

Many thanks to the author for reading with an open mind, and for the honest admission that, thanks to the proponents of new "borough-based jails," we now face the "strong likelihood that, rather than closing Rikers and opening four borough jails, New York City will have an expanded jail system that includes Rikers."

Monday, February 13, 2023

Captives Reviewed in Crime, Media, Culture

The scholar Jane Komori has penned an excellent review of Captives for the journal Crime, Media, Culture. It can be read without a paywall here.

Many thanks to the author for such a generous and sophisticated treatment.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Upcoming Speaking Events in Chicago, Santa Cruz, and Oakland

Next week I will make four appearances to discuss States of Incarceration, Captives, and my present research.

Monday, 2/6, 7pm, at Pilsen Community Books (1102 West 18th St., Chicago). This is a Chicago area release event for States of Incarceration, and I will appear with co-author Zhandarka Kurti.

Wednesday, 2/8, 12:15pm, at UC Santa Cruz (Humanities Building 1, Room 10). Sponsored by UC Santa Cruz Center for Cultural Studies. I will discuss ongoing research into the present jail expansion plan in New York City.

Wednesday, 2/8, 5pm, at UC Santa Cruz (Humanities Building 1, Room 202). Sponsored by the UC Santa Cruz Center for Racial Justice. I will present on Captives and States of Incarceration.

Friday, 2/10, 7pm, at Tamarack (1501 Harrison St., Oakland). Sponsored by the Imaginary Party. I will present on Captives and States of Incarceration.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

The George Floyd Uprising

I am honored to be included, alongside Zhana, in a new anthology of writing on the George Floyd Rebellion out now on PM Press! 

Get it here.

From the description: 

"In the summer of 2020, America experienced one of the biggest uprisings in half a century. After George Floyd’s murder at the hands of Minneapolis police, angry crowds took to the streets night after night, fighting the police, looting, and eventually burning down the Third Precinct. The revolt soon spread to cities large and small across the country, where rioters set police cars on fire, sacked luxury shopping districts, and forced the president into hiding in a bunker beneath the White House. Throughout the summer and into the fall, localized rebellions continued to erupt in Atlanta, Chicago, Kenosha, Louisville, Philadelphia, and elsewhere.

Written during the riots, The George Floyd Uprising is a compendium of the most radical writing to come out of that long, hot summer. These incendiary dispatches—from those on the front lines of the struggle—examine the new horizons opened by the revolt, as well as the social, tactical, and strategic obstacles it confronted. This practical, inspiring collection offers a toolbox for all those actively seeking to expand and intensify revolts in the future, and it is essential reading for everyone interested in toppling the state, racism, and capitalism."

 Advance praise:

“Exemplary reflections from today's frontline warriors that will disconcert liberals but inspire young people who want to live the struggle in the revolutionary tradition of Robert F. Williams, the Watts 65 rebels, and Deacons for Defense and Justice.”
—Mike Davis, author of Planet of Slums and City of Quartz

“This anthology resists police and vigilante murders. It is not an easy read. We will not all agree on its analyses or advocacy. Yet, its integrity, clarity, vulnerability, love, and rage are clear. As a librarian who archives liberators and liberation movements, I recognize essential reading as a reflection of ourselves and our fears. With resolution, this text resonates with narratives of mini-Atticas. The 1971 prison rebellion and murderous repression by government and officialdom reveal the crises that spark radical movements and increasing calls for self-defense. This volume offers our cracked mirrors as an opportunity to scrutinize missteps and possibilities, and hopefully choose wisely even in our sacrifices.”
—Joy James, author of Resisting State Violence: Radicalism, Gender, and Race in U.S. Culture

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Pod Damn America

In between two totally awesome New York City book events earlier this week, I had a great time sitting down with the Pod Damn America podcast to discuss Captives and States of Incarceration. Check out the episode here, and consider becoming a patron!

Monday, January 9, 2023

Two NYC Appearances: 1/15 & 1/16

I am really excited to be appearing in New York City on Sunday, January 15th and Monday, January 16th, for the first time since the release of Captives and States of Incarceration

I will be discussing these books at the following locations. Hope to see you there!

Sunday 1/15: 5pm at Woodbine, 585 Woodward Avenue, Ridgewood, Queens. Stick around to hang out at their community dinner at 7pm!

Monday 1/16: 7pm at Our House Infoshop, Broadway Junction (ask a punk).

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

States of Incarceration in Los Angeles Review of Books

The scholar Jason Smith has penned an excellent review of States of Incarceration for the Los Angeles Review of Books. Check it out here. Thanks to the author for his generous and thorough treatment.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

States of Incarceration on Reaktion Books Blog

To mark the release of States of Incarceration, Zhana and I reflected on the project and its major interventions in a blog post for its publisher, Field Notes/Reaktion Books. Check out our short essay here, and pick up the book here.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Dear Rhoda at Pilsen Community Books

On Tuesday, December 13th, I am honored to be joining my friend Dave Ranney for a live reading of portions of the play Dear Rhoda, which he authored with Donna Russell. Based on actual letters recently discovered in a discarded trunk, Dear Rhoda explores the vibrant political scene around the Dil Pickle Club in 1920s Chicago, featuring real-life characters like Clarence Darrow, Lizzie Davis, "Red" Martha Biegler, and Carl Sandburg.

The event will be 7pm at Pilsen Community Books, 1102 West 18th St., Chicago. More information can be found here.

Hope to see you there! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Captives Reviewed in The Metropole

The historian David Helps has penned an excellent review of Captives for The Metropole, the official blog of the Urban History Association. Check it out here. Thanks to the author for his time and generosity.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Treason to Whiteness in Los Angeles Review of Books

The scholars Dylan Davis and Patrick King have penned an excellent review of Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity, the Noel Ignatiev reader I edited with Zhana and Geert, in the Los Angeles Review of Books. Read it here.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

States of Incarceration

I am excited to announce the release of States of Incarceration: Rebellion, Reform, and America's Punishment System, which I co-authored with Zhandarka Kurti, out today on the Field Notes Series of Reaktion Books.

You can purchase the book here.

Critical praise includes:

"This book, perhaps the most synthetic and ambitious look at the George Floyd Rebellion, is an attempt to view the events of 2020 from the perspective of complete social transformation—which is to say, revolution." ― Tobi Haslett, The Brooklyn Rail

“Bold and brilliant,
States of Incarceration is essential reading for those who labor to counter repression and movement capture. The authors offer fierce, fluid analyses of police/state violence and critique progressives' contradictions. The analyses of US history, contemporary uprisings, and current conflicts enlighten and strengthen the work of freedom communities. Share and debate this book.” Joy James, author of In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love, and editor of Imprisoned Intellectuals and The New Abolitionists

“Deeply researched and tightly argued,
States of Incarceration offers a nuanced history of the US carceral state and the politics of its abolition, deftly demonstrating why the latter emerged as the political horizon of the 2020 George Floyd Rebellion. Breaking with those committed to burying the inspiration of this insurrectionary moment as well as those who have lost hope in abolitionism’s potential in the wake of the rebellion’s demise, this book makes a clear and convincing case for holding firm to abolitionism as a dynamic revolutionary politic.” Toussaint Losier, co-author of Rethinking the American Prison Movement

“Abolition is a brick. Will it be used to build the courthouses and carceral institutions of the future, or will it be thrown through their windows?
States of Incarceration makes a powerful case for the latter, poring over the blueprints of our carceral present while imagining what might be born from its smoldering ashes." Geo Maher, author of A World Without Police

“A manifesto written by and for activists. A call to deeply informed activism. A defense and critique of revolutionary violence. A polemic to be taken very seriously. An invitation to leap into an imagined future without carceral states.”
Tony Platt, University of California, Berkeley, author of Beyond These Walls: Rethinking Crime and Punishment in the United States

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Hard Crackers Issue Nine Available Now!

Issue nine of Hard Crackers is now available! It features new writing from Mushahid Hussain, Beth Henson, Tim Bruno, Adelina Gina, Mike Morgan, Bob Myers, Steven Weidman, Jenny Morgan, Paul Wasserman, and Patrick King. Check it out here.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Hellraiser and The Horror of Police

Happy Halloween! I have two spooky articles out today. 

The first is a review of Travis Linnemann's The Horror of Police, in the Los Angeles Review of Books. Check it out here.

The second is a lengthy assessment of the Hellraiser franchise in light of the 2022 reboot, in Hard Crackers. Check it out here.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Treason to Whiteness in Boston Review

The scholar Mike King has penned an excellent review of Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity, the volume of Noel Ignatiev's writing I edited along with Zhana and Geert, for the Boston Review. Check it out here.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Hybrid Moments on the Antifada

To celebrate spooky season I visited my friends at the Antifada and read my recent essay "Hybrid Moments" about the Misfits, the reunion industrial complex, and what, if anything, is the meaning of punk rock. Check it out here, and consider becoming a patron of this podcast.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Everybody Loves Communism

I had a great time chatting with my friends at the Everybody Loves Communism podcast about Captives, abolitionism, and the US political horizon post-2020. Check out the episode here, and consider becoming a patron!