Sunday, October 8, 2017

Visiting Day Reviewed in Maximim Rocknroll

Visiting Day got a really nice review in the August 2017 issue of MRR. Check it out:

$3 / 32 pgs
Visiting Day is a fascinating black and white zine about visiting someone in Rikers Prison. There's three perspectives here: that of the inmate, Jarrod, and his trip from general population to the visiting area; Jarrod's partner Maud preparing for and coming to the prison; and a little bit of Jarrod's friend Nate who comes along. The three perspectives all come with different style art, which all fit the people well it seems. Overall this is a really tender, thorough, and engaging breakdown of what it's like to be visited or visit someone in prison. There's nothing really about what they talk about in the actual visit -- which is fantastic because it keeps you focused on how difficult it is to see someone in jail (ex: you have to bring quarters to pay for a cubby to store the personal effects you are forced to removel inmates wait for hours between stages of transport before getting to actually see their visitor). Get this zine to learn more about how prison works on the ground and to appreciate the journeys the state forces people to take just to see those they love. Just get the zine, really. (KS)

You can buy or read the zine online here.